We have acted diligently to make sure our farm is a clean and safe space for all visitors. We planned this year with additional staff, signage, and cleaning to keep our spaces safe. There are many new additions to the orchard including educational signage and cleaning stations – all to assist our guests in having a good experience.
We have also extended our weekday hours. We are now open from 10am-6pm Monday to Friday, in order to allow guests to visit after working hours instead of only weekends. Weekend hours are 9am-5pm.
We have reassessed day by day, and have added to and revised our protocols in order to keep our farm running smoothly and safely:
1. Social distancing is mandatory on our farm. If you are not prepared to social distance during your entire visit, please do not come.
2. There are areas on our farm that now require masks to be worn: our sales area, areas that require line-ups, the farm store, and while riding wagons. Please be aware of signage posted around the farm.
3. We ask that only one family member go through the check out to pay. The others can wait off to the side, or take their apples to the car.
We may have 100 acres of land to roam- allowing our guests to socially distance and explore- but we refuse to be complacent when it comes to the safety of the public.
We count on our guests to be socially aware, and respect the safety protocols that we enforce on our farm. Again, if you are not prepared to follow these safety measures, please do not visit us.
Our sincerest thanks to those who have helped make Mountain Orchards a safe space for everyone.